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Understand your target market better through Augmented Reality

Understand your target market better through Augmented Reality

Learn how augmented reality (AR) can revolutionise the way you collect first-person data to understand your target market better.

The advent of Augmented Reality (AR) has revolutionized the way businesses understand and interact with their target market. By collecting first-person data, AR provides a unique opportunity to gain deep insights into consumer behaviour, preferences, and needs. This article delves into how AR can be used to understand your target market better.

What is Augmented Reality (AR)?

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information – such as images, sounds, and text – onto the real world. Unlike Virtual Reality (VR), which creates a completely artificial environment, AR uses the existing environment and adds to it. This technology is accessible through devices such as smartphones, tablets, and AR glasses.

AR has found its way into various industries, including gaming, healthcare, education, and marketing. In the context of marketing, AR offers a new way to engage consumers, enhance brand awareness, and gather valuable data.

How AR Collects First-Person Data

AR applications collect first-person data by tracking user interactions. This data includes information about what the user looks at, how they interact with the AR environment, and their location. The data is collected in real-time, providing businesses with up-to-date insights into consumer behaviour.

For instance, Burger King, in collaboration with Pepsi, leveraged a web-AR campaign to heighten excitement and encourage consumers to opt for Burger King and Pepsi as their preferred meal combination during the summer in South Africa.

They orchestrated a nationwide treasure hunt-style campaign, strategically targeting predetermined locations. Besides achieving remarkable success with Burger King witnessing soaring sales for the summer, one overlooked triumph for the brands was their ability to gather real-time first-person data of their consumers. This enabled them to gain deeper insights into their target audience, their preferences, and behaviours, thereby empowering them to tailor their future marketing initiatives accordingly.

Types of First-Person Data Collected by AR

AR applications can collect various types of first-person data, including:

  • Visual Data: This includes information about what the user looks at in the AR environment. For example, a business can track which products a consumer looks at and for how long.
  • Interaction Data: This includes information about how the user interacts with the AR environment. For example, a business can track which products a consumer interacts with and how they interact with them.
  • Location Data: This includes information about where the user is when they use the AR application. For example, a business can track where a consumer is when they look at a product in an AR environment.

Benefits of Using AR to Understand Your Target Market

Using AR to collect first-person data offers several benefits for businesses looking to understand their target market better:

  • Deep Insights: AR provides deep insights into consumer behaviour, preferences, and needs. By tracking user interactions, businesses can understand what consumers are interested in and what they are not.
  • Real-Time Data: AR collects data in real-time, providing businesses with up-to-date insights. This allows businesses to respond quickly to changes in consumer behaviour. Allowing for real time changes to be made throughout the campaign execution.
  • Engaging Experiences: AR offers engaging experiences that can enhance brand awareness and loyalty. By offering consumers an interactive and immersive experience, businesses can create a strong connection with their target market.

How to Use AR to Understand Your Target Market

There are several steps businesses can take to use AR to understand their target market better:

  1. Identify Your Goals: The first step is to identify what you want to achieve with AR. This could be understanding consumer preferences, tracking consumer behaviour, or enhancing brand awareness.
  2. Choose the Right AR Application: The next step is to choose an AR application that aligns with your goals. There are various AR applications available, each with its own features and capabilities.
  3. Collect and Analyse Data: Once you have chosen an AR application, you can start collecting and analysing data. This involves tracking user interactions, analysing the data, and drawing insights.
  4. Adjust Your Strategy: Based on the insights drawn, you can adjust your marketing strategy to better align with consumer behaviour and preferences in real time.


AR offers a unique opportunity for businesses to understand their target market better. By collecting first-person data, businesses can gain deep insights into consumer behaviour, preferences, and needs in real time. This can help businesses tailor their marketing strategies throughout the campaign execution, enhance brand awareness, and ultimately, drive growth.

As AR technology continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in marketing. Businesses that leverage this technology will be well-positioned to understand their target market better and stay ahead of the competition.

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